Absolute Future

It'll go down like an episode of Law and Order.

Currently listening to: "The Comedown" - Bring Me the Horizon

So I log into my last.fm last period, and I found this shout from a girl with 5 plays.

emmalovesbc13 wrote:

"what the heck man?? ok so you listed brokencyde as one of your favorite bands and then you trashed them??? doode they are my all time favorite band and i have met those guys, they are super kewl and their music is funny and they sound really good live. you know that they barely edit their music at all because it is that good. they can actually do live screamo! not like those other fake ass bands that sound like shit the second they attempt screamo so seriously stop hating on them. if you dont like them fine. whatever, but dont go posting it all over the internet like an ass"

I lol'd so fucking hard. Most of my computer class is looking at me strange right now, but I really can't stop. It's people like that, that can't recognize trolling when they see it, those are the ones that make me rage insanely hard. Why would I say that I completely hate Brokencyde and then go and trash them if they're my #7 most-played artist with 369 plays? Some people obviously have no common sense. And she's probably one of those fangirls who plaster their rooms with their posters and leave their albums on loop all day, and faint at the sight of Se7en. Those kinds of people disgust me to no end. Sure, I might have an unhealthy obsession with AFI, but would you ever know it if you never actually talked to me or saw my music charts? I don't walk around trashing other's opinions of AFI, but if someone asked me, I'd obviously say they're amazing. Wish everybody kept their music opinions to themselves...

Currently listening to: "Chelsea Smile" - Bring Me the Horizon

Ana claims that I've made her seem like a whore now. She couldn't be more wrong, she's actually benefited from the fallout of what happened. She's better friends with MB/Emily/Kat from what I can tell, and she's suddenly good friends with Allie. And she also met Ben. I'm happy that she's not in the state that I am right now, because not a day goes by where I think about what we could've been right now if I hadn't made that stupid decision. Sure, I may have moved on, but that was definately a great time in my life. She's made me a much better person than who I was, someone that's gained common sense, and someone who knows when to keep his mouth shut. Someone that now thinks about what he does before he does it. Someone that considers others before himself. I didn't think I'd ever change so much for one person, but I really did.

I know I handled that whole situation completely wrong, by pussying out of explaining myself and such, and just starting a whole shitstorm of drama that ended up involving most of my friends and a few of hers. She turned out on top, and I completely lost the game. I learned my lesson from that, and I'm still on the guilt trip from it. But I really want to be at least friends, since she might transfer here and such, and because she knows me so well. I may not like her in the same way anymore, but I still care.

Currently listening to: "Death Breath" - Bring Me the Horizon

That was a lot of typing in a short amount of time. We're not doing anything in school today, and I think I might skip tomorrow and learn "Football Season Is Over" by BMTH. Zach and I sort-of learned Ambrosia yesterday, and I learned the main riff to "Blackened" by Metallica, and "Deconstruction" by All Shall Perish. I'm really making progress on bass, I'm over 9000 times better than I was last year.


brian jenkins said...

Did someone copy my idea of putting all their music downloads in one blog and their other posts in another blog? I think they did...

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