Absolute Future

It'll go down like an episode of Law and Order.

Song - "Wayne Gretzky Sneak Attack"
Artist - Anautopsy
Album - So Good To See You (2008)

I seriously think I have a really bad cold. This morning, I woke up and I was disgustingly congested. As I type this, I'm so horribly doped on decongestants that I'm dizzy sitting down and I'm swaying back and forth. I'm listening to crust punk radio on last.fm, and I really like the Electro Hippies now, even though they're all anarchists. Saying that makes me wanna rant. Here goes.

Anarchy is stupid, even though there are really good arguments for it. Me typing a blog at this moment is anarchy, since I'm supposed to be doing a packet tracer right now, and I'm not doing what I'm told. Me wearing headphones around my neck is anarchy, and me refusing to go to my 6th period Biology class is anarchy. If you're reading this in school, that's anarchy. I think we're all anarchists to an extent, and it doesn't help that most teenagers despise authority. But like communism, it looks great on paper and sounds great in theory, but it doesn't work. Kinda like how socialism sounds amazing, especially since Barack Obama is professing his homosexual attraction to socialism by supporting that stupid $822 billion dollar "economic stimulus package" that actually just turns out to be funding for the poor and the unemployed. Here's where my argument comes in. If you're poor, there's a 99% chance it's your fault. Why should the rest of us who do our work pay for your lazy ass to sit around and do nothing? Imagine a homeless man walking into your house, picking up your wallet, taking 300 dollars out of it, and saying "Oh thanks, buddy!" I think you'd be pissed. Here's where my point comes. Anarchists are usually like "FUCK THE GOVERNMENT" and whatnot. Libertarians (which is EXTREMELY right-wing, if you didn't know) aren't as extreme as the whole "FUCK THE GOVERNMENT" thing, but what most people realize is that conservatives are the ones who want the government to back off, lower taxes, and let people live their own lives, with barely any regulations or restrictions. Liberals are the ones that want more government control, increased taxes, and more government assistance programs. So if you're an Anarchist, and you're reading this (hi Scott/Jubert), think about it. Anarchy will never exist in the United States. If there was that possibility, then I'd definetely be an Anarchist. But being realistic about it, Libertarian is the way to go, since it's the closest to the Anarchistic ideology. Consider the thought.

That's my argument for the day. Maybe eventually, I'll have every single argument in my head typed out in this blog. That'd take a while, but it'd be pretty cool. Internet debates always turn out to be win. Scott, argue this point please.


brian jenkins said...

anarchy is working right now.

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